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Docker Compose


Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications. It simplifies the control of our entire application stack, making it easy to manage services, networks, and volumes in a single, comprehensible YAML configuration file.

Compose File

Docker Compose relies on a YAML configuration file, usually named:

  • compose.yaml (preferred)
  • compose.yml
  • docker-compose.yaml
  • docker-compose.yaml

Compose Specification

compose.yaml (example)
version: 3.8 # (1)!

name: myapp # (2)!

services: # (3)!
    container_name: fe # (4)!
    build: . # (5)!

    container_name: be
    image: imagename:tag # (6)!

networks: # (7)!

volumes: # (8)!

configs: # (9)!
    external: true

secrets: # (10)!
    file: ./server.cert
  1. version: defined by the Compose Specification for backward compatibility. It is only informative & optional.
  2. name: name of project, as prefix for every services.
  3. services: define services. In the example, there 2 services, "fe" and "be".
  4. container_name: container name of service
  5. build: path of dockerfile for build image
  6. image: If not use buid (path of dockerfile), we can also provide base image, image is define base image that used for the service
  7. networks: define custom network
  8. volumes: define custom volume
  9. configs: define config needed
  10. secrets: define secrets needed

